Wei Huang Wei Huang

Gut support

Mairéad. Co. Meath.

Nóirín is one of a kind. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Noirín for changing my food habits, lifestyle, health, energy and happiness.

When I first came to Nóirín I had IBS, PCOS, and I was very reactive to food. I didn't even realise; that on top of the symptoms I had, this was also affecting my skin, energy and overall drive and mood.

Nóirín has a plethora of knowledge, and worked to create a plan and solutions to meet my needs. I learned a lot from Nóirín , on making better choices and being more aware of unhealthy habits and products.

What I am particularly grateful for is that she listened to me, listened to my specific issues with empathy. She didn't dismiss my symptoms, or how I felt and instead took on board my challenges and tailored my diet and plan to me and my life and my food intolerances.

Nóirín was really helpful in giving alternative solutions and recipes, particularly if we were taking food out of my diet. She was endlessly patient with me as I adjusted and made changes to my lifestyle and eating habits. She coached me every step of the way.

I feel healthier and stronger and have built up life long changes.  I make healthier choices, and I am more aware of the benefits of the foods I eat and using more varied food in my diet.

When I first had a session with Nóirín, I didn’t realise what a huge difference it would make in my life, and I haven't looked back.

Thank you Nóirín!

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Wei Huang Wei Huang

Liver support

Ronel. Perth, Australia. 

My family presents with familial hypercholesterolemia as well as high blood pressure.Unfortunately for my sister and I, this is on my mother and father's side of the family. On top of these predisposing factors, I have always had poor liver function.

Noirin has kindly offered to review my blood test results and provide some online sessions via Zoom between Ireland and Australia, which was extremely helpful  during the Covid period.

These sessions have been life changing. After analysing our daily eating schedule, she has made me aware of the types of food that can be replaced with a healthier option. I never realised that there was so much sugar in rice, which is our family's staple food. 

She has introduced new recipes, forwarded lots of reading material explaining healthy eating habits and recipes. Noirin suggested that I challenge myself to buy at least 2 different vegetables and try them out. This has been an interesting and positive experience. 

My husband loves the cauliflower rice and we now eat natural yoghurt, rather than the flavoured yoghurts, loaded with sugar. We have even started to eat sauerkraut which we have never eaten before.

Noirin also focused on the importance of drinking water. I have bought a 1 litre Frank Green water bottle to measure my water intake.  

Noirin has a kind and supportive approach in providing advice. She has surely made a long lasting difference in our family's eating habits. My blood test results have improved and I am very grateful for her advice. 

As a family, we have changed a few simple habits and we have seen positive change. 

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Wei Huang Wei Huang

Weight training Support

Conor. Melbourne, Australia. 

Noirin helped me to adjust my diet to help me have more energy throughout the day and to recognise foods which didn’t agree with me. I felt everything was explained thoroughly, especially specific nutrition advice for weight training and we made plans for change according to what I could manage within my lifestyle.  Couldn't recommend Noirin enough.

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Wei Huang Wei Huang

Menopausal support

Martha. Co. Wexford. 

Noirin has been a really helpful guide for me making lifestyle changes. Her knowledge of diet and its implications on specific body functions seems to be quite deep.

She is very individualistic and I found she was really non judgmental, which is what I needed. She wanted to work with where I was actually at not just the idealistic state where I should have been. That made changes much more likely to happen and goals felt achievable and personalised.

I've still a long way to go to achieve optimal wellbeing but I'm so much more equipped now, after her guidance, to make good food choices. I specifically needed help with mood and hormonal changes that come with perimenopausal state. Great advice and support. Thank you! Martha

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